January 26th was Michigan's 175th Birthday. January 27th was National Chocolate Cake day. We decided to combine them for Story Hour Fun! First we read "Froggy Bakes a Cake" by Jonathan London. Then we decorated a birthday card for Michigan by gluing on scraps of Birthday Wrapping Paper to a map of Michigan.
Finally each child helped place a white vinyl map of Michigan onto a blue mug to take home. To make it even better each cup was sent home with the dry ingredients to make a chocolate Mug Cake. We finished off with a snack - Chocolate Brownie Cakes of course! Special thanks to Bethany Goff for helping out these past two weeks.
p.s. We had a bad roll of white vinyl and it didn't adhere to the mugs very well. If your child's mug is losing its vinyl please stop by the library and we have some replacements already cut out and ready to apply.